It’s getting to be that time of year again – no, we don’t mean back to school shopping – it’s time to gear up for a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. You’ve already shown you’re willing, so Custom Sock Shop has put together a list of things you can do to ensure you’re also ready and able to participate when the time comes.
Find the Right Walk
The Susan G. Komen 3-Day is the Granddaddy – or should we say Grandmommy – of them all. Participants walk 60 miles over three days, staying the nights in organized camp sites or hotels that give special rates to walkers, if that’s what they prefer. Register for a Susan G. Komen 3-day event near you.
If that’s a bit too many days or miles for you, consider one of Avon’s eight Walk for Breast Cancer events. Participants spend two days walking 39 miles to raise funds to fight breast cancer. Like the 3-Day events, the sense of camaraderie and community is inspiring to all who participate.
Maybe two or three days is out of the question for you, but you’d still like to walk and contribute to the cause. The American Cancer Society hosts hundreds – one or more in nearly every state – of its Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks each year. Click here to find one of their 3 to 5 mile walks near you.
Build a Team
Ask friends, family and co-workers if they’d like to join you in your noble pursuit. You may be surprised by how many of them say they’ve always wanted to, but never quite followed through. If you can’t get anyone to join you, each of the websites we linked to above has a way to connect you with other walkers – that means new friends, too.
Once you have your team assembled, pick a name and plan your costumes – yes, costumes. They aren’t necessary but they are a huge part of the culture and fun of these walks and trust us, you’ll wish you had them if you don’t. Put the perfect finishing touches on your costumes with some custom breast cancer socks that you design for your team, and your team only, in seven easy steps at
Don’t confuse the walking you do every day with walking 20 miles a day for two or three consecutive days. The more you train for the event, the better you’ll feel before, during and after. Each organization has materials to help you prepare that they will provide after you register for the walk. Like all other workouts, keeping a log book can keep you on track while tracking your progress. Training with your team will not only keep you motivated, it will ensure you’re all ready for the big event.
Of course, at Custom Sock Shop, we believe nothing makes your team look forward to their Breast Cancer Awareness Walk training workouts – or look snazzier doing them – more than wearing your matching custom pink socks.
The real motivation behind these walks is to raise funds to fight breast cancer. Asking people for money can be more uncomfortable than wearing tight shoes to the event – but it doesn’t have to be if you think about fun ways to do it.
Your team could hold a yard sale and ask folks to donate additional items to be sold. Decorate the yard in pink and have your team wear their costumes – including a sock fundraiser – to set the mood. Consider putting no prices on items and asking shoppers to donate to the cause in exchange for the item instead. You’ll be surprised how much more you make at the end of the day.
Double your team’s donations by asking the companies you work for to match your donations. You could offer them advertising space on your custom pink socks in gratitude.
Ask a local restaurant or bar to let your team take over service for an evening and make sure your customers know you’re dedicating all the tips you earn to the cause. Don’t forget to advertise, wear your costumes and your matching custom breast cancer socks that you’ve designed yourselves.
Do people love your homemade chicken noodle soup, think you do the best job trimming your shrubs or wish they could put together a budget or plan a party like you? No matter what you do or make well, offer it up for a one-time (or annual) sale to raise donations.
Well that and two good pairs of shoes should have you prepared to enjoy, endure and enrich whatever Breast Cancer Awareness Walk you decide to participate in.
Now, go to and order your team some custom pink socks to get you started!